Optimize your lab with NOVAFlex Series: advanced automation from accessioning to archiving in one adaptable, scalable solution, enhancing efficiency and adaptability.


Unlock next-level efficiency and safety in your laboratory with NOVAFlex, an innovative robotic system designed for the modern lab.

Here’s how:

Proven Impact at E.Gulbja Laboratory

Distance Covered (km)
Floors traversed
Million Samples Moved
Hours Saved

Flexible Task Targeted Automation: NOVAFlex in Action

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Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities

In hospital environments, the NOVAFlex Series enhances patient care by automating tasks from sample accessioning to result archiving. Its flexible design allows adaptation to different workflows, supporting timely diagnostics and treatments across emergency rooms, inpatient wards, and specialty units with enhanced efficiency and accuracy.

Human Clinical Diagnostic Labs

In human clinical diagnostic labs, the NOVAFlex Series optimizes workflows by automating the entire process from sample accessioning to data archiving. Its capability to handle tasks such as sample preparation and labeling reduces manual errors, increases throughput, and boosts the reliability of diagnostic results, making it a cornerstone in lab automation.

Veterinary and Animal Research Labs

For veterinary and animal research labs, the NOVAFlex Series automates critical sample handling tasks, from accessioning to analysis. It ensures that sensitive materials are managed precisely, supporting advancements in veterinary medicine and research while improving lab efficiency and accuracy.

Biomedical and Scientific Research Labs

In biomedical and scientific research labs, the NOVAFlex Series streamlines the management and transport of experimental samples, automating processes from initial sample handling to final analysis. This not only maintains sample integrity but also accelerates the pace of scientific discovery, meeting the complex demands of modern research.

Environmental Monitoring and Testing Labs

In environmental labs, the NOVAFlex Series automates the handling and analysis of air, water, and soil samples, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in environmental monitoring. This automation supports faster, more reliable assays critical for public health and regulatory compliance.

Beyond the Core: Extended Applications

While primarily designed for healthcare and lab settings, the NOVAFlex Series also serves educational institutions, biobanks, high-throughput screening facilities, and specialized manufacturing sectors. Its adaptability and automation capabilities streamline processes, enhance safety, and ensure high standards of quality and compliance across diverse applications.

Datasheets and RaaS offers

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What capabilities does the NOVAMove Flex’s robotic arm offer?

The robotic arm of NOVAMove Flex is designed for precise manipulation and handling of laboratory materials, including the ability to pick and place items with high accuracy. This capability is crucial for automating tasks that traditionally require manual dexterity, such as transferring samples between different stations or loading and unloading materials.

2. How does the advanced vision system enhance NOVAMove Flex’s operation?

NOVAMove Flex’s vision system enables it to identify and navigate around obstacles, recognize specific lab equipment, and accurately locate designated material drop-off points. This system is essential for ensuring the robot can operate autonomously and efficiently within complex laboratory environments.

3. How does NOVAMove Flex ensure the security and integrity of transported samples?

NOVAMove Flex is equipped with a secure, closable lid that maintains the integrity of samples during transport. This lid can only be unlocked by authorized personnel via RFID/NFC, fingerprint recognition, or PIN code, adding an extra layer of security and preventing unauthorized access.

4. What is the integration process like for NOVAMove Flex in an existing lab setup?

Integrating NOVAMove Flex is streamlined through its compatibility with common lab communication protocols like OPC-UA and MQTT. This allows the robot to easily communicate with existing lab management systems and operate cohesively alongside other lab equipment.

5. Can the NOVAMove Flex navigate complex multi-floor facilities?

Yes, equipped with advanced navigation capabilities, NOVAMove Flex can autonomously use elevators and navigate across multiple floors, ensuring seamless material transport throughout extensive and vertically integrated lab environments.

6. What maintenance does NOVAMove Flex require?

NOVAMove Flex requires minimal maintenance. Our support team offers remote diagnostics for software updates and troubleshooting to ensure consistent performance and reliability. Periodic checks are recommended, tailored to the usage frequency and operational context.

7. How user-friendly is the interface of NOVAMove Flex?

The interface of NOVAMove Flex is designed for ease of use, featuring a clear display that shows current tasks and allows for manual mission overrides when necessary. This minimal interaction design lets staff quickly adapt to using the device, focusing on critical lab work while the robot handles routine transport tasks.