Unlock the True ROI of Flexible Lab Automation with Collaborative Robotics Solutions

In today’s fast-paced and competitive healthcare environment, laboratories are under increasing pressure to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and provide round-the-clock service. One of the most effective ways to achieve these goals is through the implementation of flexible lab automation using collaborative robotics solutions.

Efficiency and Throughput with NOVAFlex Archiving Solution

Our NOVAFlex Archiving Solution, with its compact footprint, offers unparalleled efficiency and throughput, enabling laboratories to process more samples in less time. A study in the journal Sustainability found that lab automation can increase efficiency by 60% and reduce turnaround time by 88% [1]. This is further supported by a study in the International Journal of Social Robotics, which demonstrated that autonomous mobile robots can significantly improve the efficiency of sample transportation in laboratories [2].


24/7 Operation and Error Reduction

Automation of routine and repetitive tasks allows laboratories to operate round-the-clock, providing continuous service to patients and other stakeholders. Automation also minimizes the risk of human error, with research indicating a 50% reduction in error rates [1].

Errors in specimen labeling can lead to serious consequences, including incompatible transfusions, which are a leading cause of transfusion-related morbidity and mortality. Mislabeled specimens are 40 times more likely to contain the wrong patient’s blood [7]. A study found that a simple, low-cost educational initiative and policy change led to statistically significant decreases in wrong blood in tube (WBIT) and mislabeled specimens received by the blood bank. The incidence of WBIT and mislabeled specimens detected by the blood bank decreased by 73.5% and 84.6% respectively [7].

Moreover, the cost of lost samples in a laboratory setting can be significant. One study found that the cost of lost samples can range from $200 to $400 per sample. This cost includes not only the financial loss but also the time and resources wasted in collecting and processing the sample [3].

Consider a laboratory that processes 1,000,000 samples per year. If we take a conservative estimate of 1% of samples being lost, that’s 10,000 samples. At a cost of $200 per sample, that’s a staggering $2,000,000 lost each year due to lost samples.

By implementing automation solutions like NOVAFlex and NOVAMove, laboratories can drastically reduce the number of lost samples. With advanced vision systems, these solutions can ensure practically 0% lost sample rates. This means that in our example, the laboratory could potentially save up to $2,000,000 per year.

The use of autonomous mobile robots, such as our NOVAMove series, can further enhance this benefit. For instance, a lab with five NOVAMove robots can save significant technician hours, considering that one robot travels 4-5km a day [2]. This not only reduces the risk of lost samples but also frees up staff to focus on more complex tasks, further increasing the lab’s productivity and efficiency.

Better Utilization of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Staff

Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is a unit that indicates the workload of an employed person in a way that makes workloads or class loads comparable across various contexts. An FTE of 1.0 means that the person is equivalent to a full-time worker, while an FTE of 0.5 signals that the worker is only half-time.

In the context of a laboratory, FTE is a crucial metric as it directly relates to the productivity and efficiency of the lab. However, it’s important to note that the efficiency of FTE is more significant than the FTE itself. This is because a high FTE does not necessarily translate to high productivity if the staff are not utilized effectively.

This concept can be illustrated with a simple formula: Efficiency = Output/Input. In this case, the output is the number of tests or procedures completed, and the input is the FTE. For example, if a lab with an FTE of 10 can process 1000 tests per day, the efficiency is 100 tests per FTE. If automation is implemented and the same number of tests can be processed with an FTE of 5, the efficiency doubles to 200 tests per FTE.

Automation enables better utilization of FTE staff. Instead of being occupied with routine tasks, staff can focus on more complex and intellectually challenging work, leading to improved job satisfaction and productivity. A case study in the Buildings Journal found that automation led to a 30% reduction in labor costs, indicating the potential for significant cost savings in a laboratory setting [3].

Moreover, by implementing automation solutions like NOVAFlex and NOVAMove, laboratories can drastically reduce the number of lost samples. With advanced vision systems, these solutions can ensure practically 0% lost sample rates. This means that in our example, the laboratory could potentially save up to $2,000,000 per year.

The use of autonomous mobile robots, such as our NOVAMove series, can further enhance this benefit. For instance, a lab with five NOVAMove robots can save significant technician hours, considering that one robot travels 4-5km a day [2]. This not only reduces the risk of lost samples but also frees up staff to focus on more complex tasks, further increasing the lab’s productivity and efficiency.


[1] Sustainability Journal [2] International Journal of Social Robotics [3] Buildings Journal [7] Strict adherence to a blood bank specimen labeling policy by all clinical laboratories significantly reduces the incidence of “wrong blood in tube”


Indirect ROI Savings: Staff Churn Rate and Well-being

Implementing automation not only improves efficiency but also contributes to staff well-being. A study in the Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology found that automation reduced staff churn rate and improved job satisfaction [4]. This is particularly relevant when considering flexible automation solutions like our NOVAFlex series, which lower the barrier of entry and offer tailored solutions for specific lab needs.

In a study conducted in a microbiology laboratory, it was found that the implementation of total laboratory automation (TLA) had a significant positive impact on staff job satisfaction [5]. The study revealed that 89% of the staff reported improved job satisfaction when TLA workflow was changed so that organism identification results would come back to the specimen reader. All staff responding thought the new workflow positively impacted on continuing professional development and education compared to the previous workflow. Over three quarters of scientists stated that following up one’s own result positively impacts on quality and reduction of errors compared to the unidirectional TLA workflow [5].

In addition to improving job satisfaction, automation also reduces the physical and mental strain associated with repetitive and labor-intensive tasks. This not only leads to a healthier work environment but also reduces the risk of work-related injuries and stress, further contributing to staff well-being and retention.

Moreover, our NOVAFlex solutions are designed to be user-friendly and easily adaptable to specific lab needs, reducing the learning curve and making the transition to automation smoother for staff. This ease of use and adaptability can further enhance job satisfaction and reduce staff churn rate.

In conclusion, the indirect ROI from implementing automation solutions like our NOVAFlex series is significant. By improving staff well-being and job satisfaction, reducing staff churn rate, and creating a healthier and more productive work environment, automation can lead to substantial long-term savings and benefits for laboratories.


Accessibility and Disease Screening with NOVALab

Our NOVALab series offers fully autonomous self-contained kiosks for self-sampling kit dispensing and retrieval. This not only provides truly accessible healthcare with 24/7 access but also drastically increases disease screening efficacy. A study in the journal Scientific Reports demonstrated that self-administrable systems for home-based lung function assessment and telemedicine can be widely applicable for lung function screening and monitoring both at homes and clinics [5]. Another study in the Journal for Healthcare Quality and Safety showed that the implementation of a nationwide breast cancer early detection project led to an increase in the detection of localized disease, suggesting the potential of self-contained kiosks in improving disease screening [6].



The implementation of flexible lab automation using collaborative robotics solutions, such as our NOVAFlex Archiving Solution, NOVAMove series, and NOVALab, offers significant benefits in terms of efficiency, error reduction, 24/7 operation, better utilization of FTE, and improved staff well-being. By unlocking these benefits, laboratories can improve their service, reduce costs, and ultimately deliver a higher return on investment.

Empower Your Lab